The First-Class Mail and Marketing Mail Growth Incentives are being offered to Mail Owners to incent them to grow mail volume in Calendar Year 2024 (CY 2024). The Postal Service will be issuing postage credits to Mail Owners who grow qualifying First-Class Mail or Marketing Mail volumes in CY 2024 compared to volume in Fiscal Year 2023 (FY 2023) and meets all other requirements for these incentives.
Important Dates:
- Baseline Period: October 2022-September 2023 (FY2023)
- Registration Period: November 2023 – June 2024
- Incentive Performance Period: January 2024 – December 2024
Earn a 30% Credit
- Mailers will receive a postage credit for qualifying volume in excess 1M pieces and FY23 baseline volume – whichever is higher
- Earned postage credits will be issued quarterly after June, September, and December 2024
Eligible Mail
- First-Class Mail presort letters, cards & flats
- Marketing Mail & HD /Saturation letters & flats
- Marketing Mail carrier route, parcels & saturation parcels
Steps to Participate
- Register in the Mailing Promotions Portal (MPP). Registration will open in November 2023 and remain open through June 2024.
- Review USPS provided FY23 baseline
- Agree or Disagree to your FY23 baseline. File a dispute in MPP with details (CRIDs and volumes) if you disagree.
Can mailings claiming promotional pricing discounts in 2024 still participate in the Mail Growth incentives? If so, where do the incentive calculations occur in the order of precedence?
Yes. First-Class Mail and Marketing Mail Growth Incentive postage credit calculations will be based on the average actual price paid for included volume over the entire incentive period. Therefore, Mail Growth Incentive postage credits will be the final calculation after all other incentive and promotional discounts.
Can I participate in both the First-Class Mail and Marketing Mail growth incentives?
Yes. Registration for each mail class will occur separately, and the corresponding postage credits will be calculated separately.
What if my FY 2023 volume was less than a million pieces? Can I still participate?
Yes. You will need to grow your FY 2023 First-Class Mail or Marketing Mail volumes to at least a million pieces in CY 2024 to be eligible for postage credits for the respective incentive. Postage credits would then begin to accrue after reaching one million pieces.
Can I participate if my FY 2023 volume was zero because I mailed under someone else’s CRID?
Yes. The Postal Service reserves the right to require additional information from Mail Owners who request to register with no FY 2023 qualifying mail volume as a baseline, or who dispute the baseline volume provided by the Postal Service, or for any other reason.
Can I combine my CY 2024 First-Class Mail volumes with my Marketing Mail volumes to reach the million pieces necessary to receive postage credits?
No. The growth incentives for First-Class Mail and Marketing Mail are two independent incentives and neither volumes nor postage credits can be combined.
Do I have to wait until after CY 2024 to receive my postage credits?
No. Postage credits will be issued in July 2024 and Oct. 2024 for Mail Owners who earn postage credits prior to the end of the calendar year.
Is there a limit to the amount of mailing postage credits I can earn?
Is the incentive a postage credit or a refund?
The Postal Service will issue postage credit. The postage credits can only be used for future mailings
Can I use the postage credits obtained from the First-Class Mail Growth Incentive on Marketing Mail and vice-versa?
No. The postage credits obtained from the First-Class Mail Growth Incentive can only be used for future qualifying First-Class Mail mailings and the postage credits obtained from the Marketing Mail Growth Incentive can only be used for future qualifying Marketing Mail mailings.
How much time do I have to use these postage credits?
The postage credits can be used until Dec. 31, 2025.
As an MSP, can I participate in these Incentives?
Only Mail Owners are eligible to participate in these Incentives. Mail Service Providers (MSPs) are eligible if they are also Mail Owners. MSPs that believe they should qualify for participation in the Mail Growth Incentive Program should reach out to the program office to discuss their unique situation to determine eligibility. These will be reviewed on a case-by-case.
Find more information on the promotion process, eligibility, and requirements on Postal Pro
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